When does it make sense to convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA?

We all know that contributing to retirement accounts early and often is good advice, but many of our clients question whether it is more beneficial to invest in a traditional IRA or Roth IRA. The answer to this is different for every client and depends upon the expected cash flows during their working years and their retirement years. The good news is that any money contributed to a retirement account is a proactive step to protecting your future. Furthermore, either option will provide tax benefits, and the timing on when those benefits are reaped is the primary difference.

While it is impossible to predict the future, the ability to convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA is a little-known option that can be a powerful source of tax savings for investors who understand the rules.

Unfortunately, taxpayers in the middle of their careers too frequently experience a temporary but dramatic slump in their income. This could be due to unforeseeable factors like the global pandemic that disrupted economies around the world in 2020, contributing to widespread unemployment and loss of business income. In other years, people experience unexpected illnesses like cancer, either for themselves or a loved one, and take a needed break from focusing on work. Former W-2 employees may experience dips in income in the first year that they start a business. However, any of these circumstances can provide a sharp investor with an opportunity to generate tax savings.

In a Traditional IRA, contributions are tax deductible in the year in which they are contributed. The tax bill will be lowered in the current year, and the investor will pay taxes in the future when the funds are withdrawn from the retirement account. On the other hand, contributions to a Roth IRA do not provide a tax deduction in the year contributed; but if the funds are withdrawn after at least five years and over age 59 1/2, no additional taxes will be due.

An investor who has an existing Traditional IRA and experiences a dramatic drop in income may consider converting the account to a Roth IRA. Because of the conversion, they will be required to pay income taxes on the previously tax deferred amount. However, because the taxpayer is in a much lower income bracket than in other years, the tax rate may be significantly lower than at another point in the investors life.

Furthermore, they will take advantage of other features of the Roth IRA:

  • No required minimum distributions
  • Tax-free income for heirs

There are several important factors to consider before deciding to convert an IRA:

  • What is the taxpayer’s normal effective tax rate, and what is the effective tax rate expected to be in the low-income year?
  • Will the taxpayer have adequate funds to pay the tax due as a result of the conversion?
  • Will the increase in taxable income affect the taxpayer’s ability to qualify for programs such as government marketplace health insurance or children’s financial aid for college?

Once the taxpayer determines that converting their IRA from a traditional to a Roth is the most beneficial course of action, they can explore financial institutions. Things like the historic rate of return on investments and the fees charged by the institution will affect their decision to either continue investing with their current institution or moving the funds to another one. The conversion process requires filling out paperwork with the financial institution. At tax time, the taxpayer (or their accountant) will submit a Form 8606.

While converting from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA will not make sense for everyone, it can be an effective tool for some taxpayers to take advantage of significant drops in their income to generate future tax savings. If you have any questions about this strategy, reach out to your tax preparer or call our office at 480-392-6801.

Want to read more about retirement investing? Check out these past blog posts:

Catch-Up Retirement Contributions

Experts recommend investing for retirement early and often. When life gets in the way, however, that ideal may not be achievable. The government has provisions in place to help employees over the age of 50 either get on track or augment already solid savings. The retirement account contribution limits for employees over 50 is larger than the standard contribution limits.

The “catch-up” provision was created in 2001 by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA). The act provided relief to investors who lost significant value in their retirement portfolios in the wake of the dot-com bubble. From the bubble’s peak in March of 2000, stocks had declined in value by 75% by October of 2002. The law also revised the life expectancy tables used for determining retirement ages.

In 2006, the Pension Protection Act made provisions for catch-up contributions permanent.

As of 2022, employees over 50 may contribute:


Account Type Additional Contribution  
IRA $1,000 on top of the standard $6,000 contribution limit
ROTH IRA $1,000 on top of the standard $6,000 contribution limit
401(k) $6,500 on top of the standard $20,500 contribution limit
SIMPLE 401(k) $3,000 on top of the standard $14,000 contribution limit


Note: These contribution limits are for employees only. Small business owners may be able to contribute more as employer contributions.

Call our office at 480-392-6801 if you would like to talk about your retirement options

Self-Directed Retirement Accounts: Possibilities and Pitfalls

Accountants and financial advisors alike agree that investing in tax-advantaged retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs are a great way to save for retirement. Many investors save money on taxes in the year they contribute to the account, and the contributions grow tax-free for decades until the account holder withdraws the funds. Other investors may choose to pay taxes by making an after-tax contribution today in exchange for future tax-free fund withdrawals by contributing to a ROTH account.

While the tax advantages make some retirement options attractive, many investors prefer to be more active in their investment decisions or prefer to invest in more volatile assets. Most brokerage firms limit retirement account investment options to publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CDs, and ETFs. Thus, some individuals may find traditional retirement accounts limiting. That is where self-directed retirement accounts, especially the self-directed IRA, come in.

Self-directed IRAs offer two main advantages:

  1. Allows investments in alternative assets
  2. Gives the investor control over buy/sell decisions

All retirement accounts have restrictions such as contribution limits, early distributions, or required minimum distributions. However, self-directed IRAs carry much more complex compliance and reporting requirements that could cost owners substantially in the case of an accidental violation.


Self-Directed Possibility #1: Invest in Alternative Assets

Allowable alternative assets include:

  • Real estate
  • Precious metals
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Private businesses
  • Livestock
  • Oil and gas interests
  • Promissory notes


If an investor has a strong interest and expertise in a particular type of investment, self-directed IRAs provide flexibility without compromising on tax savings. Since these markets are much risker than stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, these investment options are only appropriate for investors ready for a considerable commitment of time and attention.

Potential pitfall: The IRS has specified that certain assets may not be purchased in self-directed retirement accounts such as life insurance and collectibles like art, antiques, stamps, rugs, and coins. Additionally, cash will need to be contributed to the self-directed IRA before assets are purchased. The self-directed IRA itself, not its owner, must purchase the asset directly.


Self-Directed Possibility #2: Control Buy/Sell Decisions

The first step in establishing a self-directed IRA is opening an account with a custodian that offers such accounts. Typically, the custodian will be a brokerage or investment firm. This custodian holds the IRA assets and executes the purchase or sale of investments on the investor’s behalf.

While the custodian cannot provide financial advice, they play an important role in administration and compliance. The custodian will file a Form 5498 every year for every IRA it oversees to report contributions and the fair market value of the account.

Investors who seek even more direct control over their retirement account may establish a “checkbook IRA.”

To form a checkbook IRA, a limited liability company (LLC) is established and owned by the IRA. A business checking account is linked to the IRA funds. The IRA owner manages the LLC and controls the transactions in the account. But while a checkbook IRA can eliminate some delays and fees associated with using a third-party custodian, it opens the investor to serious risks.

Potential pitfall: Engaging in self-dealing or prohibited transactions can cause your self-directed IRA to lose its tax-advantaged status, resulting in an unexpected tax bill.

The IRS rules for IRA investments are complex, and violations can occur accidentally. Examples of violations include:

  • Investing in prohibited assets
  • Selling property to your IRA
  • Borrowing money from your IRA
  • Using the IRA or property in the IRA as collateral for a personal loan
  • Using property in the account for personal use, such as vacationing at an investment property or renting an investment property to your ancestor or descendant
  • Receiving money produced by an IRA investment into your personal account


If you violate any of the IRS rules and therefore lose tax-advantaged status, all the money invested into the account will be treated as a taxable distribution.

Furthermore, owners of checkbook IRAs are responsible for the filing requirements that custodians typically handle.

Given the consequences of the potential pitfalls of investing in a self-directed retirement account, they are likely only beneficial to the most hands-on, risk-friendly investor.


Main Takeaway

While self-directed IRAs can be a powerful tool for opening unique investment opportunities, it is critical to work with a team that understands the risks and pitfalls. K&R Tax Accounting Services can assist you in the set-up and oversight of such accounts. If you are interesting in exploring whether a self-directed retirement account might be right for you, contact our office at 480-392-6801.